NGP is the PSP2


The Nintendo 3DS stole my heart a while ago, but with the recent news that some of the bigger 3DS titles are being pushed past the launch window, my enthusiasm has dwindled. I’ve also begun to realize I don’t give two waggles of a Wiimote about 3D, and a 3 hour battery hardly seems all that great. Sony’s PSP2 (currently dubbed the Next Generation Portable or NGP) is the dagger in the 3DS hype train, and here’s why.

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Top 5 Kevin Butler Ads

The Playstation 3 wasn’t always the hot item it is today. Back in the day, many people regarded the console as an overpriced shiny box that worked better as a Blu Ray player than it did as a videogame console (and some people still hold this belief). There was a variety of factors that contributed to the PS3 becoming it is what it is today: better games, a much needed price cut, and maybe, just maybe, the Kevin Butler Ads.

Undeniably one of the greatest videogame marketing campaigns, the Kevin Butler ads are hilarious—and more importantly a million times better than that near avant-garde crap Sony shoved down our throats. You know the ones: floating baby dolls that cry, black blobs that contort, and floating PS3s. It was ridiculous, it was awful, and it would have a hard time selling crack to a drug fiend.

So all hail Kevin Butler, king of Sony’s success. Today, we’re picking the top five Kevin Butler TV spots.

#5 Kevin Butler and Modnation Racers

This is a fun game, but the only thing better than a Little Big Planet kart racer is seeing Kevin Butler wearing an awesome ‘stache. Maybe he should sport this look all the time?

#4 Kevin Butler and Uncharted 2

Uncharted 2 sold consoles with its beautiful graphics, intense gameplay and intriguing storyline. I’m sure there’s been many a people who have sat down and watched the action, which is better than most of the crap on the Big Screen these days.

#3 Kevin Butler in the Future

Love the jab at Kinect’s red ball game, but one thing, KB. It’s almost the future, and I’m still not eating my meals through straws. Sony needs to get on this.

Check out after the bump for the top two Kevin Butler ads.

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Morality Quickie: The Week In Review


Nintendo announced a ton of release dates at Gamescon, while being relatively quiet on most other fronts. That’s fine though; between the hype surrounding the Nintendo 3DS and the most solid holiday lineup to come out of Nintendo in a long time, the House that Mario Built is finally worthy to pop back up on the gaming radar.

Mass Effect 2 PS3


Sony did something that I never saw coming: it shocked the hell out of everyone with its acquisition of Mass Effect 2 for the PS3. With promised “introductory” content to introduce PlayStation owners to the Mass Effect universe, it seems that Sony has scored a big victory in unexclusivizing (yes, I just made that up) another big Microsoft franchise. Rumors have also been circulating about a possible new version of the PSP (a true PSP2, not any of this incremental BS) that would feature touch controls on the back of the device. With the release of Move in just a few weeks, it’s an interesting time for Sony fans. Will the Move succeed or will it just be dismissed as another Wii clone? Only time will tell.


Microsoft Dog Poop

Microsoft really stunk it up this week. Relying on its heavy hitters, it didn’t really make any earth shaking announcements. In fact, with the announcement that the Mass Effect series was jumping the S.S. Microsoft, I’d say that Microsoft wished this week never happened.

By the way, Microsoft: your flimsy argument that the Mass Effect series is still best experienced on Xbox isn’t fooling anyone. We all know you’re crying inside, so let it out big fella. You got Halo Reach coming out in just a few weeks. You’re gonna be fine.

Master Chief

Big Daddy Halo gonna come and make it all better

-Joshua “Neutrally Chaotic” Duke

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